We are really starting to see that the children’s vocabulary is improving now, hopefully helped by the games that we play during the group classes. These sessions have introduced a healthy level of competition among the students. These games include: synonym and antonym snap and vocabulary dominoes.

We completely recognize that it is vital to inspire all the children throughout the course and that it is so very important to balance praise for the hugely able students and the children who still need to develop their understanding of certain areas. Now that we are slightly over half way through the course for this year, we have started to award prizes and treats for the children who are:

Most improved in maths and English knowledge.

Most improved tackling timed tests and for keeping calm when they can’t answer a particular question.

We have given the more able students more responsibility outside of the classroom, with along other tasks, proofreading homework and devising questions themselves.

We looked at ‘Word Association’ today, which popped up in the Bucks exam two years ago and we started to instill the need not to panic if an unfamiliar question type should appear. Example below:

Word Association 1