Registration for New Year 5 students for the 2025/2026 academic year is now closed.

Current Year 4 students do not need to register again.

Location: Remote via Zoom

Date & Time: Saturdays (Times will be communicated later in the summer, we will have several options to choose from)

Price: £100 per calendar month, due on the 1st of every month.

About Our Remote Tuition

The 2023/2024 academic year was our 9th year of delivering 11+ classes  and we are immensely proud to report that in that time, hundreds of our students successfully gained entry to a grammar school. 

For the 2024/2025 academic year, we returned to remote tuition. We have found that, provided students have been given a quiet space to work in with no distractions, the progress and focus has been the same as in-person lessons. This has also meant that we have been able to reduce our monthly fees from £120 to £100. 

We want to caveat that with saying that we appreciate that remote learning is not for every child and the most important thing is their personal progress. We ask that you be confident that your child will be focused in remote classes and ultimately that they’ll enjoy the remote classes before you enrol them.


Year 4 Foundation Course – (For students born between 01/09/2016 and 31/08/2017)

Our Year 4 Foundation Course has been carefully curated to teach core Maths and English skills; knowledge that will soon begin to manifest itself with improved results in school, leading to increased confidence. This confidence is so valuable when preparing for the 11+ entrance exams.

The 11PlusLeap GL Year 4 Foundation Course includes:

  • Weekly lessons (75 minutes duration)

  • Small class sizes (maximum 8)

  • Daily vocabulary

  • Weekly homework

  • Priority access to our Year 5 Course the following academic year

Year 5 Course – (For students born between 01/09/2015 and 31/08/2016)

Our Year 5 GL 11+ course is a comprehensive course which incorporates all the elements of the GL 11+ transfer test and is designed to increase KS2 maths skills. We aim to build on the skills learnt in year 4 as we move towards establishing key strategies necessary for ensuring the best exam techniques.

The 11PlusLeap GL 11+ Year 5 Course includes:

  • Weekly lessons (75 minutes duration) 

  • Small class sizes – (maximum 8)

  • Priority entry to our mock exams, priced at £50 per mock both internally and externally as our mocks are now held in addition to tuition

  • Daily vocabulary

  • Weekly homework

  • Complimentary access to all 11 Plus Leap practice papers and eBooks on this Website

All our lesson and homework materials are written in-house; we do not use other publisher’s work, unlike other tuition centres.